
时间:2024-06-13 10:37:03 辞职信 我要投稿


















Dear management:

  Hello! First of all thank you for taking the time to read my resignation book.

  I wrote this letter of resignation with a very complicated mood. Since I entered the company internship, due to your concern, guidance and trust in me, I have had many opportunities and challenges. After this period of time in the company's work, I learned a lot of knowledge in the company's business field and accumulated a certain amount of experience. I am very grateful for this.

  During this period of internship in your company! I learned a lot. I started school on September 3, so I plan to go back and continue my studies. For this reason, I took a long time to think and decided to quit this internship.

  In order not to affect the development of your company because of my departure, I decided to resign from my current position in the company and the project team after careful consideration. I know this process will bring you a certain degree of inconvenience and I am very sorry about this.

  I am ready to resign from the company on August 31 and finish the job handover during this period to reduce the inconvenience to the company caused by my departure.

  Thank you very much for your guidance and care for me during this time. This experience in the company is very precious to me. In the future, I will be honored to be an intern for your company. I am convinced that this work experience in the company will be a very important part of my entire career development.

  I wish the company leadership and all colleagues good health and smooth work!

  Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience this company caused to my company. At the same time, I also hope that the company will understand it and consider and approve my application.






  Dear Mr. Wang,I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from mycurrent position.

  The primary reasons are as follows. First, after two months, I dofeel that it is not easy for me to get used to the extra work and night shift. Second,the salary has proven to be much lower than you originally promised, and I havea large family to support. Last, what I have learned in the university cannotmeet the requirement of being an editor.

  I feel terribly sorry for the inconvenience I have caused. Isincerely hope that you approve of my resignation.

  Yours sincerely,xxx


  dear friends of ** beijing team,

  i am so sorry to offer my departure to you all but i have to. the title of this email produced an extraordinary sequence of mental images. vivid memories came flooding back of all the good old days with you for the past one year and a half here since my enrolment. all those re-awoke in my mind as i recalled the laughter, the challenge, as i recalled all the fortune garnered for my life…

  my sincerest appreciation to the managerial team: w, s, j and v

  - it is indeed my honour to stay with you professionals for the past 1.5 years. your continuous guidance, help and encouragement do not only lead me gradually stepping into headhunting area, broadening my vision, but deliver to me principles on how to work better, live better, and to be better as well. and i am sure that they will be definitely with me for the whole of my life. thank you all so much indeed!

  my sincerest appreciation to the associate team

  - it is my honour to co-operate with you during the last years. i have been more than happy with the successful assignments, while more than upset and regret with the unlucky ones, but all of your kindly guidance and patience stimulated me over and over again. much appreciation with best wishes!

  my sincerest appreciation to the r/ra team

  - dear my sisters and buddies, i will never forget the laughter with you all (and so will you, i am surej). please hurry up! your future will be definitely brilliant here. i will never stop longing for the good news that all of you become sra or a someday, to better support the managerial team, to help build the more powerful beijing team! come on!

  my sincerest appreciation to the selection team

  - my honour to meet you all in 20xx and we become colleague friends. come on! be sure that ** will be the best platform for all your career development!

  special appreciation to judy and mika!

  - thanks for both of your kindly support to all of us!


  it is not easy to make such decision because i have been really enjoying the work and life here with you. here, i hope, and am sure that, ** beijing team will definitely fly much higher, run much faster, and be much stronger! my best wishes will be with you for ever!

  yours sincerely,



  company name or letterhead


  city, state zip




  city, state zip


  effective october 1, i will assume the position of director of human resources for xxx, inc。, in baton rouge。 therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the human resources department within aaa associates, effective september 30。

  the decision was a difficult one for me because i have so enjoyed my working relationships here。 the job description has given me great latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, i’ve gained skills in several related fields。 these cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, i’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations。 all of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both aaa (company) and me。 字串9

  as i go to the new position, i’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth。

  thank you for the rewarding experience i’ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization。



  Dear,Effective October 1, I will assume the position of director of human resources for , Inc., in Baton Rouge. Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Associates, effective September 30. The decision was a difficult one for me BECause I have so enjoyed my working relationships here. The job description has given me GREat latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, I’ve gained skills in several related fields. These cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, I’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. All of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (company) and me. As I go to the new position, I’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth. Thank you for the rewarding experience I’ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization. Sincerely,xxx


Dear Mr. Smith,

  As a graduate of an institution of higher education, I have a few very basic exxpectations. Chief among these is that my direct superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel. After your consistent and annoying harassment of my co-workers and me during the commission of our duties, I can only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of our time.

  Asking me, a network administrator, to explain every little nuance of everything I do each time you happen to stroll into my office is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of precious oxygen. I was hired because I know how to network computer systems, and you were apparently hired to provide amusement to myself and other employees, who watch you vainly attempt to understand the concept of cut and paste for the hundredth time.

  You will never understand computers. Something as incredibly simple as binary still gives you too many options. You will also never understand why people hate you, but I am going to try and explain it to you, even though I am sure this will be just as effective as telling you what an IP address is. Your shiny new iMac has more personality than you ever will.

  You walk around the building all day, shiftlessly looking for fault in others. You have a sharp dressed, useless look about you that may have worked for your interview, but now that you actually have responsibility, you pawn it off on overworked staff, hoping their talent will cover for your glaring ineptitude. In a world of managerial evolution, you are the blue-green algae that everyone else eats and laughs at. Managers like you are a sad proof of the Dilbert principle.

  Since this situation is unlikely to change without you getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal, I am forced to tender my resignation. However, I have a few parting thoughts.

  1. When someone calls you in reference to employment, it is illegal for you to give me a bad recommendation. The most you can say to hurt me is I prefer not to comment. I will have friends randomly call you over the next couple of years to keep you honest, because I know you would be unable to do it on your own.

  2. I have all the passwords to every account on the system, and I know every password you have used for the last five years. If you decide to get cute, I am going to publish your favorites list, which I conveniently saved when you made me back up your useless files. I do believe that terms like Lolita are not usually viewed favorably by the administration.

  3. When you borrowed the digital camera to take pictures of your Mothers birthday, you neglected to mention that you were going to take pictures of yourself in the mirror nude. Then you forgot to erase them like the techno-moron you really are. Suffice it to say I have never seen such odd acts with a sauce bottle, but I assure you that those have been copied and kept in safe places pending the authoring of a glowing letter of recommendation. (Try to use a spell check please; I hate having to correct your mistakes.)

  Thank you for your time, and I expect the letter of recommendation on my desk by 8:00 am tomorrow. One word of this to anybody, and all of your little twisted repugnant obsessions will be open to the public. Never screw with your systems administrator. Why? Because they know what you do with all that free time!

  Wishing you a grand and glorious day.












Dear management:

  Hello! First of all thank you for taking the time to read my resignation letter.

  I am very grateful that the company gave me such a rare internship opportunity. During the internship, the company leaders and colleagues' help and care for me, the company's equal interpersonal relationship and open-minded work style made me feel warm. After this period of internship in the company, I learned a lot of knowledge in the company's business field, accumulated a certain amount of experience, and had a deeper understanding of what I have learned. I am deeply grateful for this. I am very sorry that during this time, I did not create much value for the company. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will use what I have learned and do my best to create value for the company.

  The work experience in your company has brought me a lot of happy memories and also brought me the growth of my life experience. Unfortunately, because of xxx, I can't continue my internship in your company during this summer vacation. I'm ready for the x-month x Resigned from the company to leave the job, and during this time to complete the transfer of work in order to reduce the inconvenience caused to my company due to my departure.

  This experience in the company is very precious to me. In the future, I will be honored to be an intern for your company. I am convinced that this work experience in the company will be a very important part of my entire career development.

  Finally, I wish the company leadership and all colleagues good health and smooth work!






resignation letter

  it is with regret that i must inform you of my resignation from my position as administrator at twin cakes corp. effective jan 1, xx.

  i have invested over 13 years of my life at twin cakes corp. and my decision to move on from this position has not come lightly or easily.

  it has been a privilege to work with the people at twin cakes corp., i will be forever grateful for the opportunities that have been provided to me during my time here. these years have been so rewarding for me personally and professionally i thank you for providing me with support and guidance over the years.

  in the coming weeks i will ensure that any outstanding issues are wrapped up and that records and files are left in order for the incumbent administrator. if there are any priorities that you have for me to wrap up please let me know so i can do my best to ensure that i focus on that for you.




  came to the big apple for three months, and feel the atmosphere of the company and a big family, we get along in harmony harmony. here there was laughter, there have been gains. use of the company to give a good time to learn, to learn a few new things to enrich themselves, and some increase their knowledge and practical experience.

  in this work for three months, i did learn a lot of things. admire the wisdom of mr. liu, the company gave us a four-point proposal: hard work, learning, thrift, self-cultivation. in your body, i learned a lot. i will remember my teachings leadership. thank the company for us to eat and take care of accommodation areas, i express sincere gratitude to the company's care.

  some days off, i found the situation for their own purposes and is not the same now. and i always thought worthless thing might as well do it now appears, the job may fall into this category a. a lot of time wasted. i think it should go to try for a job.

  in addition, another reason to resign, the company no clear holiday system. my home is in xx, home to the mother of a person, and the company working on four to five months, so close to home, such a long time can not go home to visit his mother. after careful consideration submitted his resignation to the company. urge leaders to forgive my leave.

  i wish the company's business booming amount of energy, and wish the big apple nonsense products to become the region and the country's brand.

  yours sincerely



  Company Name or Letterhead Address City, State Zip Date Addressee Address City, State Zip Dear Effective October 1, I will assume the position of director of human resources for XXX, Inc., in Baton Rouge. Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Associates, effective September 30. The decion was a difficult one for me because I have so enjoyed my working relationships here. The job description has given me great latitude in assting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, I’ve gained skills in several related fields. These cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, I’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. All of th training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (company) and me. As I go to the new position, I’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth. Thank you for the rewarding experience I’ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization.


Dear Wong:

  I would like to let you know how much I have enjoyed my last three years at the Hero Hero Company is an invaluable place for enriching my knowledge about financial field,I enjoyed working with my colleagues and I have learned so much things

  Because I would like to take a new challenge and I want to meet people from all walks of life,I have accepted an offer from an Insurance firm as a Personal Financial I would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from 8 March,

  I would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before I Thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and

  Yours forever,



Dear Sir,

  As some of my personal reasons, after a period of careful consideration, I have decided to resign the company

  In a short span of a year's time, the company gave me several opportunities in the job so that I accumulated a certain amount of technical skills and work

  experience. I work in the company's very happy, I feel the atmosphere and on like a big family, we live in harmony in harmony, while I also learned how many people work outside the Life and other life truth. All of these treasure I am also very grateful to the company, as they have for me in the future work and life brought in to help and convenience. In addition, my colleagues and with the overnight period, I of the past, now a colleague from shallow to deep friendship, and I hope that this friendship from the heart, this feeling will continue and permanently maintained.

  In future, no matter how I will live, I will be forever grateful to my company's culture, leaders at all levels and colleagues gave me the support and help. In my difficult times, you will give me the help and tolerance. Company is a towering tree, and I, is only one leaf of a tree. When the wind is coming, some leaves will fall off, but trees are always so tall and straight.

  Leaving the company, leaving those who share weal of my colleagues, I am very reluctant. I don’t reluctant leaders of the teachings and colleagues of the sincere and friendly.

  I apologize the inconvenience for company. I hope that company can sympathize with my personal practice, and accept the applications.

  Thanks again for the company, thanks all leaders! Sincerely wish the company in the future development step by step in the journey to win and prosperous!

  Yours sincerely,



  Dear management: Hello! First of all thank you for taking the time to read my resignation letter.

  I am very grateful that the company gave me such a rare internship opportunity. During the internship, the company leaders and colleagues’ help and care for me, the company’s equal interpersonal relationship and open-minded work style made me feel warm. After this period of internship in the company, I learned a lot of knowledge in the company’s business field, accumulated a certain amount of experience, and had a deeper understanding of what I have learned. I am deeply grateful for this. I am very sorry that during this time, I did not create much value for the company. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will use what I have learned and do my best to create value for the company. The work experience in your company has brought me a lot of happy memories and also brought me the growth of my life experience. Unfortunately, because of xxx, I can’t continue my internship in your company during this summer vacation. I’m ready for the x-month x Resigned from the company to order to reduce the inconvenience caused to my company due to my departure. This experience in the company is very precious to me. In the future, I will be honored to be an intern for your company. I am convinced that this work experience in the company will be a very important part of my entire career development. Finally, I wish the company leadership and all colleagues good health and smooth work!

  Sincerely salute!




  Dear Mr. Wong,Re: Resignation from the post of Settlement clerkI would like to let you know how much I have enjoyed my last three years at the Hero Company. Hero Company is an invaluable place for eiching my knowledge about financial field, I enjoyed working with my colleagues and I have learned so much things here.Because I would like to take a new challenge and I want to meet people from all walks of life, I have accepted an offer from an Insurance firm as a Personal Financial Consultant. I would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from 8 March, 20xx.I would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before I leave. Thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable. Yours sincerely,Alexander Fung


  辞职报告MemorandumTOFROMDATESUBJECTPlease accept my resignation as Associate Chemist at XXX Research, Inc.; my last day will be August 15, 19–.While enjoying assigned projects and contributing to the company’s overall growth, I feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to investigate projects in which I developed a keen interest during my graduate studies. Therefore, I have accepted a position more in line with those interests at Meadows Chemical Company.This decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years. Please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at XXX Inc..










